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Thanks to Dave and Lucile Packard (yes, HP) for funding this amazing aquarium.
What can I say about the Monterey Aquarium that you don't already know, like . . . it's HUGE! I have videos of some awesome aquatic animals to send to Sam and Ben! The special sea horse display was mind-boggling.

This sea horse is called a Leafy Sea Dragon (light green).
Alli: "Sea horses, I love sea horses. Whateveh"
From Monterey to San Luis Obispo on Hwy 1, the California coast. Thank you, Richard. A long, but beautiful drive.
Cruising along in 61-degree weather, and Richard opened his window for awhile. No prob. He had bought me a nice, fleece lap blanket for the Wyoming part of the trip, but it's adaptable to an open-window routine.
Dinner in San Luis Obispo. Can you guess where? It was one of the best dinners we've ever had!
Here is the much-publicized men's room waterfall urinal. Now can you guess the name of the place? Could it be . . . Madonna Inn?
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